The Yukon summer was great trip but it has been a wonderful year all along peppered with many great memories.
It started with turning the big 50 in January and hasn’t slowed down.
It started with turning the big 50 in January and hasn’t slowed down.

The ski Marathon in Quebec with the MacKinnons and the Espys, Pam and Sheryl, the father and son annual weekend in May in Algonquin Park, front row centre for Neil Young in Kingston with brother Johnny, riding 200 km in the Ride to Conquer Cancer with Vicki and the Kman, Manitoulin biking…..more biking and camping leading up to the Yukon and the Hippy School Reunion and capped off with the annual family trip to Killbear Provincial Park on beautiful Georgian Bay.
The fall looks pretty busy too. Off to the Toronto International Film Fest this weekend with Russ to smooze with the stars. We even got tickets! No, we are not actors....just characters. Lots of good stuff coming in the near future.

I do think, however, that I am going to scale it back a bit. I did take on a bit too much this year and I think I am due to be a passenger for a few months. The boys weekend at the Harris cottage is coming at the end on October and that is one weekend that all I have to do is show up.
PS...Forgot to include sneeking backstage to meet Brent Butt at Massey Hall.
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