It is the time of year when every music magazine shows off their top list. I am feeling a little out of touch.
I got my Rolling Stone magazine yesterday in the mail complete with multiple year and decade ending list. Top 50 songs of the year, top 50 albums of the decade, top 100 songs of the decade and so on…
When I had a look at the top 50, I realized that I could only recognise about 10% of the artist. Most of them I had never heard of. Sure I have heard of Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and the Kings of Leon but if I heard them on the radio, I wouldn’t be able to tell Gaga from googoo. There are lots of artist that I have never heard of….Gorillaz, OutKast, The Flaming Lips???
I am really that out of touch? I do have teen age boys but two of the three listen to what I listen too. So it got me to thinking….
There are a few artists who have been around forever and they still show up on the year end list. I am glad they still have an impact. Springsteen…U2. When it comes to top albums of the decade, I recognise a few more…Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Arcade Fire…
Most of the artist I listen to, I got tuned onto very early in their careers. I was hooked on Springsteen’s when “Greetings from Ashbury Park” came out….way before anyone had heard of Bruce. I loved U2’s rawness in “Boy”. Just listen to The Hip’s “Up to Here” and you will know what I mean.
My music tastes are still deep in the folk scene. Willie P Bennet, Cockburn, Neil (of course), Mitchell…etc.
I do keep my ear to the ground to catch new emerging artist. Folk Festival line ups, club listing are a good source but the best source is the good old CBC. Patrick Watson, the Great Lake Swimmers, Kathleen Edwards and Fiest are just a few artists that introductions came through CBC.
Lately, I am hooked on the sound of Karyn Ellis.

Her new album “Even though the Sky was Falling” is just a gem. This Toronto based indie artist has created a sound that is both new and sentimental. I love her quirky twist of word. Songs of love lost and longing memories. Joy and beauty. All this and a stunning voice too. (sort of Jane Siberryish…if that’s a word!)The surprise also comes with the soft cello, subtle singing horns. From “Be my Girl” to Motorcycle Ride”, this album is full of intimate tunes that pull at your heartstrings. Ordinary life gone better.
Check out the link and have a listen.