Tuesday, December 29, 2009

So long 2009....

So there is now a potential of a Carcross Reunion in 2014….so it gets me to thinking about the Dempster again. It was quite a trip, regardless of the disappointment. About a year and a half of energy, planning and anticipation gone with a lot of smoke….so yes, I was disappointed and feeling a bit bummed about the whole thing.

There are a whole lot of things that were right. Gear, food and bike for sure. I have mixed feelings about the BOB trailer. It is great for around town…trips to the grocery store and such but I think I would be more mobile without it and with a set of front panniers instead.

I would know what to expect this time too. I think my expectations on the distances I could achieve were a little high. I had read many blogs about guys doing the trip in 10 days or better but those guys are 25 years younger than me and most have far more touring experience than me too. In fact, for most of them, the Dempster was just a small part of an extended trip.

I would also do it before the Reunion instead of after. I was emotionally drained to begin the trip from the high of the Hippy School reunion and I think that also played a part.

If, and it is still an if, I do this in 5 years time, I will fly to Dawson and ask Doug to drive me to Tombstone and start riding from there. That would eliminate the 100 km of uphill I have already done. Maybe the goal with be the Arctic Circle instead of Inuvik…but I do have time to consider that.

I have done little since my return but gain some weight. I am so out of shape right now.

But it is New Years and time to turn the corner. Ski season is now here so I need to dig deep and start getting healthy again. A new year and some new goals. Starting with a bit of a deficit but no where to go but up.

Here's to 2010!

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