There are a whole lot of things that were right. Gear, food and bike for sure. I have mixed feelings about the BOB trailer. It is great for around town…trips to the grocery store and such but I think I would be more mobile without it and with a set of front panniers instead.

I would also do it before the Reunion instead of after. I was emotionally drained to begin the trip from the high of the Hippy School reunion and I think that also played a part.

If, and it is still an if, I do this in 5 years time, I will fly to Dawson and ask Doug to drive me to Tombstone and start riding from there. That would eliminate the 100 km of uphill I have already done. Maybe the goal with be the Arctic Circle instead of Inuvik…but I do have time to consider that.
I have done little since my return but gain some weight. I am so out of shape right now.

But it is New Years and time to turn the corner. Ski season is now here so I need to dig deep and start getting healthy again. A new year and some new goals. Starting with a bit of a deficit but no where to go but up.
Here's to 2010!

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